Fifteen minutes of disco: the price of Halloween

Before you wait for Suzy to slip off to sleep tonight, her Halloween sugar buzz having finally worn off, and before you sneak into her room to pillage her plastic pumpkin, think about this: For every fun size Baby Ruth bar you filch, you’ll need to go disco dancing for about 15 minutes.

Scary thought, huh?

OK, so maybe one little fun-size, 85-calorie Baby Ruth won’t send you to the tailor for alterations. But — hey! Is that a fun-size Snickers (80 calories)? A Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup (100 calories)? M&Ms (88 calories) and Skittles (80 calories) and — oh! oh! oh! — the mother of all Halloween candy, candy corn (11 kernels, 70 calories)? Be still my BMI!

imagemagic-1Here’s what you do. Quietly remove that piece of candy from Suzy’s Hallohaul, then check it against this fairly comprehensive list of common Halloween candy and its corresponding calorie and carb total. Then, go to WebMd’s Fit-o-Meter,  pick your favorite activity (there are more than 600 to choose from — from walking to running to disco dancing— plug in the requested info and see how long you’ll have to do it to counter the effects of that one fun-size snack. If you can justify it, then by all means, go ahead and steal from your child.

Guilt: If it doesn’t get you one way, it will search out another.

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