Category Archives: Health

A deeper reason you can’t lose weight?

Around this time of year, a lot of us begin experiencing a certain level of dread. Great, you may be saying to yourself. Another New Year, another round exercise and nutrition regimen doomed to failure. No matter what I do, I just can’t seem to shake this fat. There may be a deep-seated physiological reason for that, according to Bryan Walsh.  Walsh is a naturopathic physician who, according to his bio, “combines a passion for nutritional biochemistry and science-based therapies, yet maintains a broad view of wellness, believing in the infinite capacity for the body to heal itself given the appropriate conditions and environment.” read more

Survive the holiday feasting season: A strategy

The holiday party season officially begins this weekend (because the first party I’ve been invited to is this weekend). That means lots of seductive holiday treats, from sausage puffs to rum balls, from one kind of chocolaty thing to 50 other kinds of chocolaty things. As the thoughtful Mae West once said, “I generally avoid temptation unless I can’t resist it.” read more

A new you in 2010? Yes, but why

You know you want to be healthier in 2010. But do you know why you want to be healthier?

It’s human nature that as one year draws to a close we wonder how we might make more out of the year ahead. In our neck of the self-improvement universe here at, that translates to how we can improve our physical lot in 2010. You may know that you want to weigh less and be more energetic. You may know that you want to drop two dress sizes, or pare your waistline down to a 34. You may even know what exercise regimen you plan to pursue and how you plan to eat better. But have you stopped to think about why you want to to do all this? Is it because the doctor told you to lose 15 pounds? Do you want to show up for next year’s high school reunion looking like you did 25 years ago? Are you tired of having to fly business class so you can fit into the seat? Those may be perfectly good reasons to shape up, but are they the reason? read more

Recommended reading

“Readers Respond: How do you avoid holiday weight gain with exercise?”

This about post is a year old, but the advise is timeless. Tips sent in by readers about how to avoid tubbing out over the holidays. Some you’ve likely heard elsewhere (“Eat a healthy snack before a big holiday party …”), others maybe not (“Go for a brisk run about thirty minutes before you go to bed, this is a refreshing way to end the day and it keeps your metabolism working as you sleep …”). Advice from the masses. read more