Recent news on the fitness front

High pulse, higher chance of fatal heart attack, especially in women: Women with a high pulse rate may be particularly prone to fatal heart attacks, according to a study of 50,000 adults in Norway. Researchers found that with each increase of 10 beats per minute, a woman’s risk of dying from a heart attack increases by 18 percent. The trend was consistent among women up to the age of 70. For men, the odds of dying from a heart attack only increased by 10 percent for every increase of 10 beats per minute. A normal standing heart rate — that is, the heart rate at reast — for adults is 60 to 70 beats per minute. read more

Dealing with disappointment

I wanted to surf, but grew up a thousand miles from the nearest ocean. I wanted to be a synchronized swimmer, but the only guys who did it were these two. I wanted to play pro football, but my hair hurt when I took off the helmet. So I did other things. Things that a 12-year-old didn’t have to hitchhike a thousand miles to do. Things it was socially acceptable for guys to do. Things that didn’t hurt my hair. read more

Winter as it happens! @ JoeAGoGo!

Everyone in the Triangle is atwitter over the looming winter weather event, which, according to whom you’re listening, could bring rain, a dusting, enough snow to cancel a planned trucking in of snow to Cary’s Bond Park, enough snow to make Vancouver envious. And we’re atwitter as well, meaning you can follow the advance of this storm of the century/decade/year/month/weekend on our Twitter feed, at JoeAGoGo. Every hour or so we’ll tweet live from our back deck on the advance of this highly anticipated winter weather event. It’s the only weather coverage of this storm that you can count on because we’re reporting it live! As it happens! read more

Sled (& ski) the Triangle

I’m a sucker for a good snow forecast, and far more often than not I get burned. But on the off-chance the current forecast for a major winter weather event in the Triangle holds true, I would be remiss not to share some of the best places to take your boogie board on Saturday and repurpose it as a sled. Granted, just about any slope — and there are lots of ‘em in most Piedmont neighborhoods — will suffice. But for big hill thrills, try these: read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.