Category Archives: Hiking

Fall hiking: A month-by-month approach

Fall is just around the corner and you can’t wait to resume a vigorous hiking schedule. 

But where to go first? A tough decision: You want to hit all your favorites first. 

Alas, because you can’t be in two or more places at once, you need to plan your hikes accordingly by taking into account the best time to take each hike. You still may not be able to hit all your favorites this fall, but with smart scheduling you can hit a goodly number of them. read more

5 of our favorite summer hikes with water

A summer hike isn’t a summer hike unless it includes water, the more water, the better. And the more water in more forms, better still.


You know, the 5 major forms of mountain water:

  1. Mountain pool form
  2. Wading form
  3. Hiking in form
  4. Short Hike In form
  5. Falling form

Today, we share one of our favorites in each of these 5 categories. And the envelopes, please … read more