Category Archives: Hiking

Sunrise, sunset: the best times of day to embrace summer hiking

It was a Wednesday evening four years ago about this time and we were huddled in a splotch of shade just off the parking lot, waiting for the last hikers to arrive. It was a few minutes before 6; the temperature was trying to drop from the day’s high of 88, with a humidity that seemed to match. We hadn’t taken a single step, but already we were aglow. read more

GetOut! Your Friday Nudge for Weekend Adventure

Another weekend after a week of rain is upon us. Another weekend in which we apparently dodge a bullet and enjoy adventure-worthy weather. In the Piedmont, for instance, we’re looking at temperatures in the low 80s on Saturday, high 80s on Sunday. It should be in the mid to upper 60s when you wake, there’s a chance of thunderstorms Saturday afternoon. Father’s Day (Sunday) is looking good for an outing with pops. read more

Where do we go, together, from here?

This weekend, we were able to conclude our Spring GetBackpacking! Intro to Backpacking class, with a graduation weekend at South Mountains State Park. Originally scheduled for the end of March, this pandemic-delayed trip was one we were especially interested in, as a way to gauge whether we might be able offer small-batch backpacking trips. In short, could we enforce physical distancing to the point we would feel safe moving ahead.  read more

GetOut! Your Friday Nudge for Weekend Adventure

That rain that moved through the region yesterday ushered in a cool front that will drop temperatures into the low 80s throughout much of GetGoingNC’s adventure land, ideal weather for some weekend adventure. There may be a rogue thunderstorm or two Sunday afternoon, but by-and-large, pretty delightful weather.  read more