Category Archives: Hiking

We’re hot for hiking!

Summer hiking tips
Post-hike soak in Kimsey Creek on our Standing Indian weekend.

Tuesday at lunch I headed to a favorite local wild area for a two-mile hike. Five minutes in and I was a glow: my eyes stung with sweat, my shirt stuck to me, I’d even collected a cobweb or two. Ah, the return of hot weather hiking. 

I love a good hike in the heat. In large part that’s because not everyone else does. Head out on a day when the temperature’s in the upper 80s, as it was Tuesday, and there’s a good chance you won’t see another soul on the trail. But the summer forest is a whole other world: it’s teaming with life, yet it’s oddly quiet. It’s the best time of year to find a secluded spot and plant yourself for 15 minutes and quietly observe the world around you.  read more

An early Head’s up for National Trails Day

When National Trails Day got its start in the early 1990s, it was gauged by the number of events and participants. 

And today? 

“Media impressions,” of which there were more than 900 million in 2018.

For the past 25 years, the American Hiking Society has decreed the first Saturday in June to be National Trails Day, a day of celebration for our beloved hiking, biking and equestrian trails. Events around the country celebrate by holding trail workdays, hikes and various celebratory events. It’s a great opportunity to get out and let your local trails know how much you appreciate them. read more

GetOut! Your Nudge for Weekend Adventure

Friday might be dicey over much of the GetGoingNC universe weatherize, but the weekend itself isn’t looking too shabby. Not a bad weekend, for instance, for the following:

Lassiter Swamp Canoe Trip, Saturday, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Merchants Millpond State Park, Gatesville. Usually when we think about paddling the millpond at this state park nestled in the northeast part of the state, we think of a leisurely hour or so on the water. Not with this adventure, which paddles deep into the swamp for lunch, then continues on to “the big tree.” A six-hour tour. Bring your lunch — and a pair of knee boots. Learn more here, read more

GetOut! Your Nudge for Weekend Adventure

Yeah, there’s a little rain in the forecast for the weekend. However: 

  1. It’s a forecast, which is essentially an educated guess, which is subject to not being accurate;
  2. There do appear to be some less wet spots in the forecast; and,
  3. Why should that keep us from having a little fun at least planning for the weekend?

That said, here three ideas for getting out and exploring:

B.W. Wells Heritage Day, Saturday, 10 a.m. – 4 p.m., Falls Lake State Recreation Area, Wake Forest. There’s a cool area of Falls Lake State Recreation Area on the east side of the lake that few people know about: the B.W. Wells area. It’s where B.W. Wells, a botany professor at N.C. State and one of the state’s foremost early ecologists lived and peppered his land with a variety of plant life. The area is usually closed, but is open for touring on Heritage Day. Learn more about B.W. Wells here, learn more about B.W. Wells Heritage Day here. read more