Piedmont: 3 Daffodil Hikes


The Pump Station area is also a good place to catch the early signs of spring, including daffodils planted by farmers years ago.

Looking for an early sign of spring on the trail? The three hikes in this guide all offer increased chances of seeing spring’s earliest first responder, the daffodil. Each guide includes a detailed route description, map, key details (such as how to find the trail), a hike overview, a video tour and more.


We all look forward to spring. Even if you’re a fan of winter, it’s hard to deny that by the time February rolls around, you’re starting to look for even the slightest hints of the season. One of the strongest hints we seek: the first daffodils of the year.

Daffodils are a perennial flower popular for their robust nature, their ability to come back year after year, their willingness to say, “Shoot, we can’t wait any longer — it may still be cold, but we’re coming out!” And out they come, still striving in the woods where they once graced early homesteads that have long since been absorbed back into nature.

Three entries for our GetHiking! Guide to 3 Daffodil Hikes each include passage by old homesteads where the odds of encountering daffodils, those first responders of spring, are pretty high, even as early as late January.

Each guide includes a detailed route description, map, key details (such as how to find the trail), a hike overview, a video tour and more. For additional information on how to maximize your chances of spotting early season daffodils, check out this blog post.