Greenway maps: Thoughts?

Making progress, slowly, on the GGNC greenway project. Between the nont-so-friendly-for-greenway-mapping weather and and my ineptitude with technology, well, it’s not a good combination for progress. I do have a prototype ready for your scrutiny, however.

My plan is to focus initially on longer greenways that connect with other longer greenways to make much longer greenways. For the purpose of figuring out what I’m doing, however, I decided to start small and in my own backyard. Thus, I give you my first stab at a greenway map. Look it over, tell me what works, what doesn’t. Tell me what would you’d like to see that isn’t here. I’ll see what I can do.

And thanks.


5 thoughts on “Greenway maps: Thoughts?”

  1. It would be great to have a GPX or even KML/KMZ (which can be converted to a GPX), so we could download these to a GPS unit. Have you looked at ? They make GPX files available. I don’t think they do the nice mileage breakdown that you have, but I suspect you could try placing those items on the map itself – with EveryTrail I think that might mean taking a picture at each of those points.

  2. I really like this. I don’t know how you plan to incorporate it in to a larger map, but for me that would be key. For me the biggest issue with not having a comprehensive greenway map is planning trips that utilize multiple paths. Spending my time flipping back and forth between tiny maps that may or may not be on the same scale or in the same orientation was frustrating me and is one of the reasons I started plotting my own greenway map. I really appreciate the notes indicating road crossings and road under/overpasses. That’s another thing that seems to be missing in a lot of maps and is essential if you’re actually trying to plot a trip to a destination. I guess ultimately greenways are primarily for recreation, but I still enjoy using them to get somewhere when I can.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, Rob. My plan right now is to have all the greenways on a Google map you can link to from the map on the GGNC site. Working on some technical issues right now; hope to have something up in a week or so.

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