MPB (miles per burrito)

While fact-checking (yes, bloggers fact check) a post that will appear next week, I ran across a curious aside noting that “the most fuel-efficient vehicle available — the bicycle” gets “30+ miles per burrito.”

Frankly, that seemed conservative to me. Granted, it was unclear whether the author was burning a basic 350-calorie burrito from the dollar menu or a higher-octane version, say, Moe’s 950-calorie Homewrecker. Still, an assertion was made. So I Googled “energy from a burrito.”

Turns out, according to the Web site, that a cyclist can get nearly twice that performance out of a decent burrito. Assuming an average of 35 calories per mile pedaled, says you should be able to ride 57 miles (that would be a two Homewrecker ride, according to our calculations).

30+ miles per burrito? You can do better.

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