Yesterday’s Weekend Plans section, in which we offer our thoughts on how and where you can have fun over the coming weekend, was a clean sweep for paddling. That made us realize that the paddling season is upon us, which made us realize that our helpful guide to 33 places where you can rent a canoe or a kayak (or a Sunfish-type sailboat) is buried somewhere in this Web site. That made us realize we needed to spend some time under the hood of this operation and make it easier for you to find certain key resources — such as those 33 places in the state where you can rent a canoe or kayak.
Far too many hours, a few panicked phone calls to those more familiar with Web software, and another too many bad words later, we are pleased to say “mission accomplished.”
No, really.
Look to the menu guide in the left rail and you’ll see the new entries of “Paddling” and “Climbing.” Drag your cursor over “Paddling” and you can click on a link to those 33 places where you can update a canoe or kayak in North Carolina (and if there are more not on the list, let us know and we’ll add them pronto). It’s a list we first published last June, updated as of April 27, 2012.
And so excited were we that we’d figured out how to make this happen that we went ahead and added a category for Climbing. Specifically, indoor climbing. Drag your cursor over this this activity and you’ll be presented with two options: “Learn to climb,” and “Climbing gyms,” a rundown of climbing gyms throughout the state.
Keep your eye on the left rail: We’ll be adding more activities in the coming days. If you have an idea for an activity you’d like to see added, leave a comment and we’ll get on it.