This post originally was to run Monday afternoon but because of my inability to keep track of my 1,527 passwords and user names when confronted with a backup computer, it appears now.
I’m sitting in a coffee shop in Black Mountain. I’m supposed to be on a bike about five miles from here, climbing the Blue Ridge Parkway up to Mount Mitchell. I’m not because of the more
I wrote the following post originally for the Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer; It appeared in both papers yesterday, May 4. A related article, on where to find the classes mentioned, can be found here.
Hot flashes. Headaches. Hair growing where it shouldn’t and not where it should. A tummy that won’t go away no matter how many crunches you do. Just when women of a certain age thought it couldn’t get worse, a new study suggests it more
Today, our print alter ego in the Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer looks at popular exercises for a demographic that, a new study finds, is particularly challenged to lose weight and stay in shape: women in and about to enter menopause.
The good news: there lots of exercises especially good for women in the 45-and-up range. As the story notes, our experts are particularly high on these four: Zumba, water aerobics/swimming, walking, Pilates. The better news: It’s not hard to find a class for any of them — and in the case of walking, you don’t even need a class, you can just walk out your front more
Story in today’s The News & Observer about the high cost and other challenges of feeding kids a healthy lunch at school. Healthy food is more expensive — and thus costs the kids/parents more — and because most high schools at least let older kids leave campus over lunch, there’s competition from the outside. I believe McDonald’s Dollar Menu was more
What would a Hare Krishna do? Not a question I ever envisioned asking myself, but I did this morning during a 30-mile bike ride in rural Orange County.
Earlier on the ride, Alan and I were heading east on Arthur Minnis Road, about to turn left onto Borland Road. We were riding single file, me in front, Alan on my wheel. As the turn approached, Alan looked back, saw a car approaching in the distance, announced there was a car but that we had time to turn. I signaled a left turn, heard a car accelerating, then the horn. Just as quickly as she had sped up to pass us she hit the brakes, rolled down her window and started chewing us more