Last weekend, I discovered a new park. This weekend, I rediscovered a park that, somehow, had flown off the radar.
Every couple of weeks, usually on a Saturday, Marcy and I pick a direction and drive. Whatever we discover along the way is what we do for the day. Yesterday, our compass pointed more
Jean Hagen-Johnson of Raleigh runs three days a week, 52 weeks a year, and always at 6 a.m. She runs during milkman hours not necessarily because she’s a morning person or because she savors the tranquility of a city yet to wake. Her reason is more more
I’ve long wanted to go to the Banff Mountain Film Festival but I’ve never gotten my act together to make it happen. Now, the next best thing is happening: The Banff Mountain Film Festival is coming to me. More significantly to you, it’s coming to us. This month, the film fest featuring the best in outdoor adventure will show, in scaled-down form, in Boone, Brevard, High Point and more
Google Maps announced today that it has added bike directions to its list of recommended ways to get from Point A to Point B. The new feature also includes a cycling overlay that shows bike-only trails in dark green, roads with bike lanes in light green and roads otherwise deemed bike-friendly in dotted more
First fare. My first ride, fittingly was Sig Hutchinson, Mr. Mass Transit in the Triangle. Sig, who in addition to being a huge bike advocate is secretary of the Triangle Transit Authority, was crossing Fayetteville Street on his way to a meeting. “I have to be to a meeting in five minutes he said.” I got him there in plenty of time (his meeting was on the opposite side of Fayetteville Street) and managed to catch up on the latest developments in Triangle mass transit. (Story short: The climate is better for mass transit in the Triangle than it’s ever been.)read more