North Carolina: Top Training Hikes


Live in the Piedmont and bemoan the fact you have a mountain hike coming up and nowhere to trail for it? Our guide tells you about 7 hikes in the North Carolina Piedmont plus one at the Virginia coast, plus 8 mountain hikes where you get in some good mountain training miles.


You’ve got big plans to hike some big mountains. Now all you need is a place to train. Finding hikes with good elevation gains can be a challenge if you live in the Piedmont.

In our guide we include 7 hikes in the North Carolina Piedmont and at the Virginia coast that are intended to give folks not in the mountains an opportunity to pretend that they area. We also include 8 hikes for those times when you have a full day and really need to get some climbing in.

The guide includes descriptions of each hike, the elevation you can expect, the distance and where to go for trailhead information.