I hate to nag, so let’s call this something else. Prodding? Pushing? Pestering? They all seem so … controlling, which is crazy considering I’ll I’m trying to do is prod/pester/push you out the door to take a hike. And there’s no better time and place to take a hike than the fall in North Carolina. Temperatures in in the 70s, low humidity, brilliant, crisp blue skies, changing color — what more incentive do you need to get out on the trail?
Today, just in time for a weekend that will see a cold snap descend over much of the state, we launch our new North Carolina hiking page. We’re starting with great hike suggestions near the state’s five primary metro areas — Charlotte, the Triad, the Triangle, Wilmington and Asheville. Then, once a week through Thanksgiving we’ll feature a hike-of-the week, a hike just about anyone can do regardless of what shape you’re in. We’ll also try and time the hikes with the season’s change of color.
Check out our new North Carolina Hiking page here. Then keep an eye out for our weekly recommendations.
You mention “Hanging Rock State Park” I was surprisedyou did not mention all the nice waterfall viewing opportunities to be had on a few of the hikes. They are good ones.
I get so obsessed with the cliffs and outcrops at Hanging Rock that I do overlook the great waterfalls along the Indian Creek Trail. And they’re quite accessible: Hidden Falls is just 0.4 miles from the Visitor Center and Window Falls is 0.6 miles. There’s also Tory’s Falls, Upper Cascades and Lower Cascades, the later of which Kevin Adams calls “by far the most scenic and photogenic waterfall in the park,” in his book, “North Carolina Waterfalls.”
I’m tentatively planning to backpack the Sauratown Trail this weekend, winding up in Hanging Rock. I’ll pay a visit and report back.
Thanks for the reminder, James.