A resourceful GetGoingNC.com

If you bookmark no other entry from this blog, bookmark this one. It contains links to five resources especially conducive to leading an active lifestyle.

GetGoingNC.com Guide to North Carolina Greenways. Looking to take a run, a walk, a ride on a greenway, either in your town or elsewhere in North Carolina? Our revamped site contains a guide to North Carolina that is the most comprehensive Tarheel greenway guide available — and is becoming more comprehensive by the week. Find maps, detailed trail descriptions, slideshows, trailhead information and general descriptions of the state’s longer greenways as well as info on where to find the smaller ones. You’ll find in in the navigation panel on the upper left of the GGNC home page. read more

A performance enhancer that’s hard to beet

The next time you hear about an athlete “juicing,” he may be beetroot juicing.

A pair of recent studies have found that athletes who throw down some beetroot juice before an event tend to do better from an endurance standpoint. In November, a study appearing the Journal of Applied Physiology found that runners who beetroot juiced increased their endurance by 15 percent during high intensity running. And a study just published in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise finds that competitive cyclists are likewise affected. (Beetroot juice has also been found to lower blood pressure and cleanse the kidneys and gall bladder.) read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.