One happy, fun, nice guy

“Man, isn’t this embarrassing?” the mountain biker said as he pushed his bike up the steep hill to where I was already leaning over my bike, sucking air. I thought he was referring to being with me this far into the race.

“I lost my water bottle,” I said, making conversation by way of commiseration. I gulped some air to continue, but before I could he reached into his second cage and grabbed a spare water bottle. “Here. Take this.” read more

Mining a solution to Raleigh’s missing greenway link

Thursday evening, Sig Hutchinson and Vic Lebsock shared their respective visions of the Triangle greenway scene at the monthly meeting of the Sierra Club’s Capital Group chapter. Hutchinson represented a more future-oriented, farsighted approach that deals in both reality and hopeful thinking both necessary to The Big Picture, Lebsock with the laser-focused nearsightedness required keep things advancing day to day. Their respective approaches showed how two people can both look at the cup being half full — with differing degrees of fullness read more

Weekend plans? Wayfinding, kayaking, bicycling

For many of us, it’s the last weekend of summer before the kids head back to school. Act now, because once school and its various activities kick in, it could be a while before the clan has a free weekend of spend together.


I love exploring and I love a good map. But sometimes you get a hankering to go terra incognita; that is, to a spot on the map where trails are sparse and successful navigation depends upon your ability to use a map and a compass to get around. Good skills to have regardless, and skills you can pick up Sunday during an orienteering course at Lake Waccamaw State Park. If you have a compass, bring it, if you need one the park has a few loaners. Definitely bring bug spray, though. It’s an hour-long class, from 4-5 p.m. read more

Avoid The Big One, walk to school

Now kids can tell their teachers that if they don’t get outside to play tetherball or romp on the jungle gym, they could have a heart attack!

This helpful bit of fact-based guiltsuasion comes from a just-released study from the University of Buffalo that found that kids who walk to school and get other kinds of exercise throughout the day get less stressed during tests. Less stress means a reduced risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and other cardiovascular woes later in life. read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.