Category Archives: Functional fitness

Do This, Not That: Park at the far end of the lot and walk

It’s one of those chestnuts offered by just about every basic fitness hit list: When you go to the store, don’t spend 15 minutes circling like a vulture waiting for a spot to open close to the door, park at the far end of the lot and walk. Everyone, from Dr. Don Colbert in his “The Seven Pillars of Health” to the
New York State Department of Health says it’s a good idea. read more

Do this, not that

So maybe you don’t have time to go to Zumba class before work, or walk at lunch, or hit the gym for a cardio workout after 6. That doesn’t mean you can’t get a good workout in in between. Current thinking from the health and fitness world is that bursts of exercise as brief as 10 minutes can boost your cardio fitness. So if you’re wondering if these little things really can make a difference, yes, they can. read more

The true power of being strong

“What was that!?” a woman in our group asked. It was a question we all would have asked, if we hadn’t lost our collective breath.

The noise had come from somewhere not at all far behind us. It emanated from a living creature, that much I could tell. And it was by far the loudest, most attention-getting noise I had ever heard emanated by a living creature. The ground shook, it was so loud. read more