Category Archives: Sanity

Knowing when to fold ’em

The key to continuing to enjoy an activity? Don’t intentionally put yourself in a position to dislike the activity.

I left Cary early this morning for a week of backpacking in the Smokies. In the throes of trying to wrap up a book on backcountry exploring in North Carolina, the trip was both pleasure and work – work under a rapidly approaching deadline. I was doubly motivated to hit the trail. read more

A wily sales pitch

It was billed as a mountain bike race. It was actually a shrewd bit of marketing.

Officially, Saturday’s 6 BC was billed as the second in a series of four, 6-hour endurance mountain bike races sponsored by the Triangle Off-Road Cyclists. And while there was indeed a race (these results prove it), it was also a cleverly crafted sales pitch by the venue host: C’mon out and race — and see what kind of trail you could be riding every day of your life for the rest of your life without ever throwing your bike on the roof rack. read more

Sweet. Innocent. Disturbed.

One of the many things I like about taking a long ride, run or hike is that it purges my mind of life’s daily distractions — bills, deadlines, squirrels. The resulting void clears vital space for creative thinking, for random thoughts, ideas and whatnot to bubble up from the subconscious and get some air time. Usually, this is good thing. Sometimes it is not. read more

Look! Up in the sky!

It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s … what the heck is it?
Oh, yeah, I remember now: the Sun.
After an extended vacation, during which we were sat by our dour Aunt Ida (what was with all those slobbery kisses?). After nearly a week, Ida has finally packed her bags and left, ol’ Sol has returned and it’s safe to go back outside. And just in time for the weekend!
So, take advantage of the sun’s return. Hit your local state park. Take a bike ride on your favorite greenway. Get lost in a national forest.
Whatever, just get outside and get going. read more

Paradise: If you have to ask …

I needed a water bottle. I wound up contemplating the price of paradise.

Packing for a week of backpacking last night, I could only put my hands on one Nalgene bottle. My MSR water filter screws into Nalgene water bottles, making an otherwise annoying task – pumping water from a stream – slightly less annoying. Since I was leaving town early this morning, I’d have to pick one up on the road. Which put me standing in front of the somewhat new REI in Asheville late this afternoon. read more