Coexisting with cold air

The temperature in Raleigh just hit 40! Woo-hoo! Alas, this heat wave isn’t expected to last. Light snow is predicted for Thursday, it’s barely supposed to get above freezing over the weekend. Thus, we bring you more tips — in the form of recommended reading — on exercising in the cold.

Things to pay attention to. From the Mayo Clinic (where it’s 10 degrees right now)  comes tips on what to pay attention to when exercising in the cold. Our favorite: Pay attention to your extremities, your hands, your feet, your head, of which the clinic notes “30 to 40 percent of your body heat is lost through your head.” Read here.

Strenuous exercise and cold air. From comes  a referenced article on breathing cold air, how to recognize when you might be suffering the ill-effects of breathing cold air and how to survive breathing cold air. Read here.

Cold air and asthma. From Allergic Living: Breathing cold air is uncomfortable to some, dangerous to others, especially to those with asthma. Tips on breathing in the cold for folks with asthma. Read here.

Cold air and exercise for the geekish. From the National Institutes of Health comes this report for you exercise enthusiasts with a geeky bent. It’s titled “Cold air and exercise challenge — influence of minute ventilation” and it’s about how exercising in cold air affects “airway hyperresponsiveness.” See? Told you it was geekish. Read here.

Cold air and exercise for the slightly less geekish
. And from Human Kinetics comes a somewhat less technical piece on the same subject: how cold air affects exercise performance. Read here.

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