Do This, Not That


In today’s The News & Observer and Charlotte Observer I follow up on a study from Oregon State University that found an active daily lifestyle trumps long periods behind a desk interrupted by three 30-minute visits to the gym every week. The story discusses the study of more than 6,300 adults and offers suggestions for pumping a little activity into your life. You can read the story in this space tomorrow, with links.

Today in this space, you can learn about five specific things you can do to jump-start your daily life, as well as how these activities improve your health, in our Do This Not That series. Read the synopses below, click for more information.

Fifi here gets the idea.

Do This, Not That: Take the Stairs. A classic, but one that can have a significant and immediate impact on your life. Think about how often your default is to beeline it to the elevator or escalator. Then think about the legs you’d develop by running up two, three, four flights of stairs instead. Learn more here.

Do This, Not That: Bypass the Carpool Lane. You fume about the long drop-off at PS 666 in the morning and the even longer pickup in the afternoon. You stress sitting in line, car idling, gas burning, as you burn off nervous energy wrapping your fingers against the steering wheel. Why not burn off a lot more energy and avoid the stressful wait altogether by parking a couple blocks away and walking to pick up your youngster? Learn more here.

Do This, Not That: Watch TV on a Ball, Not a Chair. Shed your couch potato midsection while still enjoying that three-hour “The Big Bang Theory” marathon by watching on an exercise ball. You’ll reap an astounding number of benefits by balancing on the ball, from a ripped core to better posture. Learn more here.

Do This, Not That: Time Your Workouts. I can’t bear the thought of getting up an extra half hour to walk — so I don’t do it at all. Did it occur to you you might not be a morning person? Did it further occur to you that your body and mind may be better suited to walking at lunch, or after work? Timing can be everything when it comes to being more active. Learn more here.

Do This, Not That: Favor One Side. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you likely favor one side of your body — your right arm, your left leg — over the other. Trouble is, our bodies work best in synch. Some tips on how you can achieve physical balance through the things you do every day, from opening a door to playing air guitar. Learn more here.

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