The forecast for this weekend?
And cold.
Here in the Triangle, the high is expected to drop from a high near 80 today to 57 on Saturday, with a 50 percent chance of rain. Sunday, the high is only supposed to hit the mid-30s, with a 70 percent chance of “wintry mix.” The outlook is similar in Charlotte, the Triad, and the Asheville area.
We understand your reluctance to venture out ion the roads if Sunday’s “mix” turns toward the wintry side. But if the roads are just wet, you shouldn’t let a little cold drizzle keep you from enjoying an otherwise … invigorating adventure. You just need to know how to dress for it. That said, we direct you to two previous posts on topic.
- “Gear Up for Walkin’ in the Rain.” This post from March 6, 2012, addresses waterproof (or at least resistant) shells, rain pants, hats, socks and boots.
- “Poncho, Anyone?” Not into spending a fortune on a hi-tech rain jacket? You don’t have to. A poncho can be an inexpensive and effective garment from playing in the rain.
Read up, gear up. You still have time to prepare for a weekend of wet fun.
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