Tag Archives: gear

Wednesday Wisdom: A great summer hiker (and the socks to wear with them)

Wednesday Wisdom? That may be a stretch (though it is alliterative). Every Wednesday we share our thoughts in rotating subject areas: gear, social media, hiking/backpacking/camping resources, and tips from the field. These items are culled from our weekly GetHiking! enewsletter, which also includes news and information on hikes and backpack trips in our GetHiking! and GetBackpacking! universes. Subscribe to our weekly enewsletter here. read more

Wednesday Wisdom on Gear: Ziplocks, lanterns, thermometers … and a beef

Wisdom? That may be a stretch (though it is alliterative). Every Wednesday we share our thoughts in rotating subject areas: gear, social media, hiking/backpacking/camping resources, and tips from the field. These items are culled from our weekly GetHiking! enewsletter, which also includes news and information on hikes and backpack trips in our GetHiking! and GetBackpacking! universes. Subscribe to our weekly enewsletter here. read more

GetCamping! 2022

Love the idea of camping but leery of making a big investment into something you’re not sure you’ll like?

Welcome to GetCamping! 

Our GetCamping! program aims to make your introduction to camping as easy and inexpensive as possible, by providing the key pieces of camping gear you need from Great Outdoor Provision Co. Included in our GetCamping! kit: read more

When it comes to gear, buyer beware

This pack is killing me! The wimpy hip belt is bearing no weight, putting it all on my shoulders. In less than a mile, my shoulders are getting rubbed raw. 

Fortunately, this wasn’t my pack.

“This is what you get for buying a $70 backpack,” I yelled back to Ray, who had surrendered his pack to me so that I could experience its shortcomings first-hand. read more