Since grade school, we’ve always looked forward to spring! Recess on the playground (not in a cramped gym), romping through the neighborhood into the evening, the promise of the school year coming to a close and the prospect of summer vacation! Spring was always been a time to get outside.
It still is.
Our GetHiking! program is offering a number of ways to make that happen.
GetHiking! Spring Sunday Morning Hike Series
- 10 hikes
- Every Sunday morning starting March 20 and running through May 22 at 10 a.m.
- $165 for single hikers, $295 for couples and families.
- 15 hiker limit

You’ve been cooped up all winter, you’re eager to get back outside and play: Spring is the ideal time to be on the trail. In this 10-week series we visit a different trail every week to hike around 5 miles and watch the season unfold, as a variety of wildflowers bloom, and the trees leaf out. A good way to discover new trails in the region. Includes the weekly guided hike and a trail guide, including map and route description, for each hike.
Learn more and sign up: Individual hikers go here, couples and families here.
GetHiking! Spring Sunday Afternoon Hike Series
- 10 hikes
- Every Sunday afternoon starting March 20 and running through May 22 at 1 p.m.
- $165 for single hikers, $295 for couples and families.
- 15 hiker limit

You’ve been cooped up all winter, you’re eager to get back outside and play: Spring is the ideal time to be on the trail. In this 10-week series we visit a different trail every week to hike around 5 miles and watch the season unfold, as a variety of wildflowers bloom, and the trees leaf out. A good way to discover new trails in the region. Includes the weekly guided hike and a trail guide, including map and route description, for each hike.
Learn more and sign up: Individual hikers go here, couples and families here.
GetHiking! Spring Series for the Aspiring Hiker
Interested in becoming a hiker but not sure where to begin? Begin here, with our 10-hike Spring series that meets Wednesday evenings at 6 p.m.. We start with a 2-mile hike and build to 5 miles. Each hike is on a different Triangle trail
- 10 hikes
- Wednesday evenings, March 16 to May 11, at 6 p.m.
- $195 for single hikers, $345 for couples and families.
- Includes:
- Kick-off Zoom meeting to discuss how the hikes will work, what gear you’ll need, how-to-dress and more
- Weekly enewsletter with tips, resources, gear recommendations, and a guide for that week’s hike
- Guide to 25 Triangle Trails
- “Let’s GetHiking! A Quick and Comprehensive Guide for the Aspiring Hiker (Second Edition),” a 109-page guide with everything an aspiring hiker needs to know.
For more information and to sign up, go here for a Single hiker subscription, here for a Couple/Family.
GetHiking! Spring Hike Series for Clubs/Organizations/Business
If you’ve got a minimum of 8 hikers, we can craft a weekly Spring hike series to suite your needs, from mid-day during the work week, to evenings to weekends. Same as our Sunday series, but set up around your availability.
- 10 hikes
- Built around your schedule
- $165 for single hikers, $295 for couples and families.
- 8 hiker minimum
For more information, email
GetHiking! Tuesday Evening Hike Series
The return of Spring and Daylight Saving Time means the return of our Spring Tuesday Evening Hike Series. In this series we hit the trail at 6:30 p.m. and hike into sunset. Each hike is about 3 miles, and lasts about an hour and a half; at the midpoint, we take a minute to stop and savor the sounds and fading light of day’s end.
- 10 hikes
- Tuesday evenings from March 15 to May 17, at 6:30 p.m.
- $145 for single hikers, $265 for couples and families.
- 15 hiker limit
For more information and to sign up, go here for individual hikers, here for couples and families.
GetHiking! Piedmont Explorer

Maybe you’re new to the area, or maybe you’ve been hiking in the Triangle for a while and are ready to expand your horizons. With the Piedmont Explorer we take you to nine destinations, each no more than two hours away. Some you may have heard of but haven’t had a chance to visit. Some you may not know at all. All offer great hiking not far from the Triangle.
- 9 hikes
- Second Saturday of every month; most hikes begin at 10 a.m.
- Each hike is $85 for an individual, $135 for couples/families, or sign up for all 9, for $540 ($895 for couples/families), and save 20 percent.
- 12 hiker limit
- The hikes:
- Morrow Mountain State Park (April 9). For this hike only, sign up here
- Raven Rock State Park (May 14). For this hike only, sign up here
- White Pines Nature Preserve (June 11). Registration tba
- Hanging Rock State Park (July 9). Registration tba
- Medoc Mountain State Park (August 13). Registration tba
- Birkhead Mountain Wilderness (September 10). Registration tba
- Uwharrie National Forest: Uwharrie National Recreation Trail (October 8). Registration tba
- Weymouth Woods Sandhills Nature Preserve (November 12). Registration tba
- Merchants Millpond State Park (December 10). Registration tbas
To learn more and sign up for a Single hiker subscription, go here, for a couple/family subscription go here.