In November, we began writing a monthly series of blog posts for our partners at Great Outdoor Provision Co. on the current U.S. Forest Service’s revision of its management plan for the Pisgah and Nantahala national forests. Today, we write about the curious case of the Lost Cove and Harper Creek Wilderness Study Areas.
Category Archives: Hiking
Your Weekend: Plunge, Meet the MST, Run for Chocolate
Reduce your bucket list with a mountain polar plunge, get up to speed on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail, or run for chocolate: they’re all options this weekend in North Carolina.
Mountains: 4th Annual Polar Plunge
One of the iconic winter sporting events that might be on a bucket list or two is the polar plunge. If you find the prospect of immersing your already cold body into cold water intriguing, check out this weekend’s 4th Annual Polar Plunge Benefit-t-t-t-ing Kids in the Creek and Youth Education at Lake Junaluska benefitting Kids in the Creek and Environmental Education.
Weekend Plans: Snowshoeing? In the Southern Appalachians!?
So much snow fell in the mountains last weekend — including a record 66 inches at Mount Mitchell — that not only is it now possible to snowshoe in the the Southern Apps, in some places it’s the only way to get around. Take advantage of this windfall snowfall on guided trips this weekend at Grandfather Mountain State Park.
Weekend Plans: Ice? Snow? Bah!
We’re not going to let a little forecast ice and snow keep us from having a good time this weekend. Or at least planning to have a good time this weekend.
Coast: 8th Annual Cold Stroke Classic
Head on down to Wrightsville Beach this weekend to participate in (or watch) the 8th Annual Cold Stroke Classic! Lots of standup paddleboarders competing in different divisions: based on age, gender and height. Friday, there is a pig pickin’ and music fest, followed by the races on Saturday. Registration ends this Friday!
Weekend Plans: Spend time with a critter
Celebrate MLK weekend with a trip to Bald Head Island, Apex, or Asheville to learn about saltwater creatures, take an educational hike on the American Tobacco Trail, or hike with a rescue dog. This is a great weekend to spend with the entire family, or perhaps a canine that you might even get to take home!