Category Archives: Hiking

Explore Your ‘Hood: Confluence Natural Area

From its origins in the late 1960s, the Eno River Association, known then as the Association for the Preservation of the Eno River Valley, has been saving land along the Eno River in Orange and Durham counties. In that time, they’ve preserved more than 4,000 acres along the Eno and its tributaries. Much of that land has gone into creating Eno River State Park, some into Little River Regional Park. The Confluence Natural Area, which opened a couple years ago, is the only land the ERA has purchased that it operates as its own. read more

Explore Your ‘hood: Seven Mile Creek Natural Area

(Every Monday for the duration, we’ll explore an aspect of Exploring Your Neighborhood. Today, a gem we stumbled upon in our own backyard.)

I’d heard tell of some trails I wasn’t aware of  in western Orange County a couple years back while researching a story about the Mountains-to-Sea Trail’s path from Saxapahaw to Hillsborough. Because of landowner objections along the planned route, the route was pretty much just that, planned.  “That is,” came the vague caveat, “except for a couple miles of trail somewhere along Seven Mile Creek.” read more

GetOut! And find your backyard adventure

These days, you find adventure where you can — provided it’s close to home.

Personally, I’ve established a 10-mile perimeter for how far I’ll go, for the most part, for a good adventure. (I say “for the most part,” because if there’s an adventure to be had that’s slightly beyond that, I’ll go if the odds of encountering others is slim to none. So far, I’ve breeched my 10-mile containment zone once, a paddle trip that easily complied with social distancing standards.) read more

Closed trails: When, and how, will they reopen?

Just as we started wondering when trails might start reopening, they closed even more more earlier this week. 

On Monday, the U.S. Forest Service announced it was closing roads and trails in the 500,000-acre Pisgah National Forest. “It is not a closure of the whole forest,” Forest Service spokeswoman Cathy Dowd told the Asheville Citizen Times. “There’s about 200 miles of road and 700 miles of trails that remain open on the Pisgah National Forest.” read more

Hiking in the Rain (but not under a Tornado Warning)

We had to skip our morning walk this morning, the first since we started taking you along with us on our new Morning Walk with Joe Facebook live feature. The reason: the weather. 

We’ve long advocated hiking in the rain — a light rain. Not a driving rain that spend the previous day and night rampaging across the country spawning heavy rain, thunderstorms and tornados, causing death and destruction. That’s what we woke up to this morning. Rather than take a stroll, we opted to hunker down in the bathtub instead.  read more