Category Archives: Hiking

Four N.C. State Parks close trails; Let’s work to keep more from closing

Sunday evening, North Carolina State Parks posted a notice that four parks — Crowders Mountain, Hanging Rock, Lake Waccamaw and Raven Rock — were closed as of sunset. By morning, that post was already outdated, with Morrow Mountains State Park joining the list. read more

Hike! Trails remain open 

Challenging times, these. Fortunately, we possess a secret weapon in our efforts to remain healthy and sane.


You’re familiar with hiking’s already well-established bona fides, from relieving stress to maintaining a healthy heart and weight, to boosting your immune system. If ever there were a time when we needed to maintain our physical and mental well-being, this is it.  read more

GetOut! Your Friday Nudge for Weekend Adventure

Before our GetBackpacking! trip last weekend on the 22-mile Neusiok Trail, we had a little hygiene talk: Share a little less on this hike, I advised. Handle your own water, resist the urge to sample a fellow hiker’s Cherry Cocoa Nib dehydrated breakfast. But I also said we would be spending the weekend in one of the safest places around: the wide-open spaces of the outdoors: few people, lots of room to breath in peace. Our typically worry-free playground seemed even more so in these uncertain times. read more

Lead a hike! A hike leader shares why she does

Temperatures are warming, skies are clearing, wildflowers are blooming and more people are getting the itch to hike. All of which means it’s time for our annual Spring Hike Leader Recruitment Drive. Not everyone is interested or inclined to lead a hike, but if you’ve ever given the notion a thought, there’s a good likelihood a hike leader lurks within. Today, one of our hike leaders — one I personally raised through our farm system — shares what led her to be a hike leader and what she enjoys about it. Kate Rice is a senior at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and has been leading hikes with us for two years. And, nepotism be danged, she’s also my stepdaughter. read more