Labor Day has come and gone, the summer with it. Now, we get down to the serious business of fall fun in North Carolina!
Coast | Coastal Plain
There’s something romantic about an open-water swim in the ocean: riding the swells, being buoyed by the salt water, sharing space with all manner of aquatic more
It’s a new year and time to branch out, to learn a new sport, learn about a new place to explore.
Looking for new adventure in 2015? Check out the Cold Stroke Classic Saturday in Wrightsville Beach.
Now in its seventh year, the classic is a stand-up paddlboard competition that appeals both to the experienced SUPer with a 7-mile race and the beginner, with a course half as long. Cash awards in the elite category, $5,000 in prizes for the beginners. Don’t have a board? No problem; check out the used gear swap on Friday. Don’t have a wetsuit? That’s a more