Moores Creek. Photo courtesy National Park Service
This weekend in North Carolina you can paddle into the Revolutionary past, you can paddle at night, or you can go camping a mile up.
Like a paddle with a little history? Thursday’s Moores Creek Kayaking History Adventure paddle on Moores Creek, which meanders through the Moores Creek National Battlefield, is just the ticket. The 88-acre park “commemorates the battle between Patriots and Loyalist militia on February 27, 1776,” according to the Halyburton Park (Wilmington) program guide. “This battle was the first major victory for the Patriots that lead to Cornwallis’ withdrawal from North Carolina. Join us and paddle this historic creek and watch history come alive after your kayaking adventure with a ranger-lead tour of the battlefield.” Fives mile more
Dragon boating Saturday on Lake Lure (see "Mountains").
Paddle a swamp, paddle someone else’s boat, paddle a dragon.
There’s great cache in being able to say you paddled the Great Dismal Swamp. After all, people have gone into the massive wetland in the northeast corner of the state (and southeast Virginia) and never come out. On Saturday’s Kayaking the Canal paddle at Dismal Swamp State Park you can earn both Dismal bragging rights and, since it’s ranger-led and on a canal, be assured that you will emerge unscathed (save, perhaps, a mosquito bite or two if you don’t later up beforehand).read more
Spring race season is in full swing across North Carolina while the paddling season is just getting underway. Weatherwise, we’re looking at pretty good weather for both.
Distance runners, sprinters, fun runners — Saturday’s 4th Annual Quintiles Wrightsville Beach Marathon has ‘em all covered: full and half marathons, marathon relay, 5K, 1-mile fun run for kids. Racing starts on Wrightsville Beach, then, depending how far you’re going, heads into the nearby The Landfall Community (perhaps you’ve seen the walls and gates surrounding it on the drive to Wrightsville Beach).read more
We’ve got a celebration of the Scuppernong River by paddle craft, a Great Amazing Race for you and a member of your family near Charlotte and a duathlon (trail run/mountain bike) on private property (worry not, it’s legal) near Asheville.
Two paddle trips get you on the water on a hot Southern weekend, and there’s a classic 5K in the high country.
The only thing better than paddling a coastal swamp is paddling it with a knowledgeable naturalist who knows the terrain and can help make sense of what can be an overwhelming experience. Sunday morning, join said knowledgeable naturalist for a two-hour kayak trip up Goose Creek at Goose Creek State Park just east of Washington. Equipment — kayaks, paddles and pfds — more