Seven habits of people who lose weight (and keep it off)

Who better to listen to when it comes to losing weight and keeping it off than people who have lost weight and kept it off.

The National Weight Control Registry was started in 1994 to identify adults who have lost weight and kept it off. Specifically, the registry’s 6,000-plus members have lost at least 30 pounds and kept if off for at least a year. Recently, they were asked how they did it and seven common themes rose to the top. Warning: None of these will make you slap your forehead and say, “Aha! So that’s how you do it! You’ve likely heard all of these before, and you’ve heard them because, at least for the 6,000-plus members of the National Weight Control Registry, they work. Without further jabber, the seven common themes for weight loss are: read more

Cancer pushes Gerald Babao to the finish

This is the fourth of four stories this week on triathlons, specifically the increasingly popular sprint variety.
Tuesday: Triathlon by the numbers
Wednesday: The growing popularity of sprint triathlons
Thursday: Kim Feth’s story: From walking around her living room to finishing her first sprint tri eight months later.
Today: Gerald Babao’s story: Trying to out swim, out bike, out run cancer.
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An unorthodox approach to the sprint triathlon

This is the third of four posts this week on sprint triathlons.
Tuesday: Triathlon by the numbers
Wednesday: The growing popularity of sprint triathlons
Today: Kim Feth’s story: From walking around her living room to finishing her first sprint tri eight months later.
Friday: Gerald Babao’s story: Trying to out swim, out bike, out run cancer.
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Tri this: A sprint to fitness

I wrote the following story for The News & Observer and Charlotte Observer; It ran in both papers March 8. It’s rerun here with links, and is one of four posts this week on triathlons, specifically the increasingly popular sprint variety.
Tuesday: Triathlon by the numbers
Today: The growing popularity of sprint triathlons
Thursday: Kim Feth’s story: From walking around her living room to finishing her first sprint tri eight months later.
Friday: Gerald Babao’s story: Trying to out swim, out bike, out run cancer.
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Triathlon by the numbers

Today begins a series of four sprint triathlon posts pegged to a story I wrote that will appear tomorrow, March 8, in The News & Observer and Charlotte Observer. (That story will rerun in this space tomorrow with links.).
Today: Triathlon by the numbers
Wednesday: The growing popularity of sprint triathlons
Thursday: Kim Feth’s story: From walking around her living room to finishing her first sprint tri eight months later.
Friday: Gerald Babao’s story: Trying to out swim, out bike, out run cancer.
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Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.