The power of partners


“4.84?” I asked my running partner. “4.84 what?”

“Miles,” she replied, double checking her wrist-mounted runners GPS.

Awaiting direction before Thursday evening’s run.

We’d been out just under an hour, we’d done a 12-minute warmup jog, did some hill work, did the 12 minutes back to the store. Two and a half miles, three tops, was my guess. read more

Back on the run

I ran back in my 20s, back when my body was more tolerant of the physical toll of running 25 to 35 miles a week. I ran 10Ks (pr of 40:04) and a smattering of 5Ks (20:02 pr). Toward the end of my 29th year my knees and back had had enough. Do something else, my doctor advised. I drifted to the more joint-friendly swimming and cycling, my staples for the next 22 years.

Last fall, I began trail running once a week at Umstead. I can’t recall what prompted me to start — curiosity over how my body would react, perhaps. It went well and I gradually increased my distance. Currently, I run six miles at a pace of just over 10 minutes per mile. Well off the 6:30 pace of my peak years, but acceptable to someone simply glad to be running again. read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.