I can almost guarantee that your resolution to be more active in 2010 will last at least through New Year’s Day. That’s because there are way too many activities scheduled to keep you on the move.
North Carolina, the 9th biggest state in the country with 9.2 million residents, is unusual because even if you live in one of its urban centers — Charlotte, the Triad, the Triangle, Asheville, Wilmington — there’s likely a wooded area within walking distance. Maybe not a national forest or a state park, but at least a corridor of wild that for any number of reasons has eluded development. For instance, we live in the heart of Cary (we call it Historic Cary because the houses date all the way back to the 1970s) between two malls (Cary Town Centre and Crossroads Plaza), yet we can walk out the end of our cul-de-sac along a storm drainage easement and within minutes be at the headwaters of Walnut Creek. This proximity to the wild comes in handy when you have a houseful of kids on winter break.read more
I’m weak, I could stand to lose 22 pounds and I have the agility of an 80-year-old (I’m 53).
I paid $324 for this?
On Christmas Day, the Wii Fit entered our home, storming in with the attitude of a boot camp sergeant none-too-happy with its new recruits. It told the 11-year-old she was teetering on being overweight (she’s nowhere near: she eats better than any kid I know and is twice as active). It told the 15-year-old he was weak (he won the high school division of a local mountain bike race series this summer). And in addition to telling me I’m weak, a bit heavy and old, suggested I’m “unbalanced” as well.read more
If you’re like me and have kids in school, it’s probably just dawning on you that THEY’RE OFF FOR TWO WEEKS!!!
Yes, with the holidays comes winter break and a good two weeks of the kids underfoot and constantly asking, “What are we doing today?” And a good two weeks of you saying, “Uh … .” Which is what I found myself saying just a few minutes ago. Which is why I’m here now, hoping that between us we can come up with a few things to do over break to keep the kids busy. And not just to take up their time, because as we all know, planting them in front of the TV for the morning may keep them occupied, but it won’t do anything to wear them out and make them go to bed at a decent hour. We need active options here, folks.read more
Whenever I think of inspirational characters, my thoughts naturally turn to Fearless Fly . humble hayseed Hiram Fly one minute, he slips into a matchbox and emerges … Fearless! The next time we go to the climbing gym and need inspiration, though, we won’t be thinking of Fearless Fly, we’ll be thinking of this guy.read more