Category Archives: Hiking

GetHiking! Winter 2020-21

With cooler temperatures elevating the risk of contracting COVID-19, it’s more important than ever to spend time outdoors. This winter, we’re providing more options than ever to help you do just that. We have six programs designed to address every level of outdoor enthusiast, from the backcountry explorer who’s comfortable going off the grid, to the aspiring hiker yet to set foot on a natural surface trail. We’ll start with the latter: read more

This Winter, Escape with a Tuesday Night Hike

We came to a stop in the narrow clearing accommodating a power line and switched off our headlamps. We’d reached the turnaround point for our weekly Tuesday Night Hike, and as was our habit, we went dark for several minutes. The sun was long gone, having set two hours earlier, and the moon was just starting to think about cresting the eastern horizon. It was dark, really dark, and it took our eyes a minute to adjust. Our psyches, too. read more