I’d like to say I start every day with a 2- or 3-mile hike. Truth is, that doesn’t happen until I’ve been up 45 minutes. That first three-quarters of an hour is a general muddle that involves getting to the point where I’m able to take a 2- to 3-mile hike: staring at myself in the bathroom mirror, making coffee, reading. Once I’ve slapped myself into consciousness, I head down the block for a hike on the Mountains-to-Sea Trail here in Hillsborough.
5 Events (out of many) for National Trails Day
Saturday is National Trails Day. Since 1993, the first Saturday of June has been set aside as a way to celebrate our nation’s trails, either by recreating on them or working to improve them.
Today, we highlight 5 National Trails Day events with particular promise.
7 Mountain Hikes for a Sizzling Summer of Fun
Summer arrives and our thoughts turn to hiking in the mountains. Until now, the weather, by and large, has been decent for hiking in the piedmont. Come Memorial Day, however, the steamy reality of summer settles in; for many, the prospect of a 90/90 (heat/humidity) day moves hiking to the bottom of their recreational to-do list. Or makes them re-think their options. So we turn to the mountains, which offer two forms of relief.
5 Memorable Events for this Memorial Day Weekend
Culturally speaking, this is the last weekend of spring. True, the season doesn’t officially cede to summer until June 21 (at 5:13 a.m.). But for most of us, Memorial Day weekend kicks off “Those Lazy-Hazy-Crazy Days of Summer;” starting this weekend the majority of us will already be dipping into the soda, the pretzels, the beer (no hot dogs?).
A busy first Saturday in June
If you’re not doing anything a week from Saturday … it’s nobody’s fault but your own.
A week from Saturday, June 4, the first Saturday in June, is National Trails Day. As it’s been since its inception in 1993, it’s a day set side for us to celebrate our nation’s trails at NTD-designated events, of which there are 368 nationwide.