Diane Van Deren’s MST Endurance Run: The end is near

In the blocks, ready to run down Day 22.

Elite Colorado ultra runner Diane Van Deren enters day 22 of her MST Endurance Run, an attempt to set a new record for trekking the Mountains-to-Sea Trail in less than 24 days. I’m on the Outer Banks covering her remaining 63 miles, and will be filing periodic reports throughout the day on the MST Endurance Run blog, which you can find here. read more

This weekend: Celebrate National Trails Day

On the Appalachian Trail, on the way to Grassy Ridge.

National Trails Day is non-denominational: you can celebrate on a paddle trail, a bike trail or a hiking trail. Come one, come all.


Most ranger-led paddle trips are quick one-hour affairs. This Saturday at Lake Waccamaw State Park you’ll have a full half day to explore this Carolina Bay in the wake of a knowledgeable lead. The paddle starts at 10 a.m. read more

Saturday is National Trails Day: Get out and celebrate

Before: At last year's NTD cleanup of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail along Falls Lake, Freinds of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail Vice President Jeff Brewer gives out morning work orders.

There are roughly 200,000 miles of trail in the United States, according to the American Hiking Society. Of those that came about over the past couple of decades, the vast majority were created largely by volunteers. And of those that existed beforehand, it’s a good bet they’ve been maintained by volunteers. Without volunteers we wouldn’t have the growing system of trails we now have. read more

The people I meet

Hello, Mayo Park!

One of the main reasons I do what I do is the people I get to meet. Wherever I go, whatever I do, I always meet active people with diverse stories. And I always come away enriched.

Here’s a snapshot, from a “Backpacking North Carolina” presentation I did a couple Saturdays back at the Mayo Park Environmental Education and Community Center in Person County. read more

House Creek Greenway: One tall boardwalk from finished

How close is Raleigh’s long-awaited House Creek Greenway from being completed?

One really tall boardwalk.

Rather than words, we’ll take you on a ride so you can get a feel for the greenway and just how close it is to being done. The one really tall boardwalk is at the very south end of the new greenway, where House Creek connects with Raleigh’s Reedy Creek Greenway. read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.