Running from old age

This morning while in the car and listening to the BBC World Service I was reminded of why I like to run.

The story was about a study revolving around two questions: At what age do you you consider yourself to be old? At what age do you stop considering yourself to be young? The question was put to people in several countries and the results differed wildly depending upon local. The British, for instance, stopped seeing themselves as young at 35 and officially old at 59. The Greeks, on the other hand, thought themselves young until 51 and not teetering into geezerhood until 68. Speculation abounded among the experts interviewed about the discrepancy. (I’ll post a link to the story when it’s posted by the BBC.) read more

One man’s carrot …

Last week I wrote about the need for carrots as incentive to work out.

Kate Dixon writes to agree — sorta.

“I ran a 5K in Raleigh on May 1st called Race of Grace,” writes Dixon, who when she’s not running is executive director of the Friends of the Mountains-to-Sea Trail. “The prizes are cakes home baked by members of the churches that organize the race. Anyway, I have never been so motivated to run harder than I would have in hopes of winning a prize.” read more

You can't outrun your competitive side

I was momentarily discombobulated when they couldn’t find my registrastion, recovered when they granted me an-on-the-spot sponsor exemption, then rediscombobulated when I was standing at the starting line with less than a minute to go and realized I’d never gotten a timing chip. Well, rats, I thought. The race won’t count. read more

Clif Bar 2 Mile Challenge: Another reason to ride

I am rudderless — unless I have a goal. Stick a carrot in front of me and I can usually get it done.

Case in point: earlier this year I vowed to start using my bike more for utilitarian purposes. To date, I believe I’ve gone for coffee on it twice. Appalling as that is, it became even more so when I pulled up a map of everything within a two-mile radius of my Cary house and discovered my bank, Starbucks, REI, Performance, Harris Teeter, Home Depot, the Galaxy Cinema, two malls and a Taco Bell. My basic needs, all within two miles. read more

This weekend: Hike, bike, spike

It’s a weekend that needs no introduction … .


Can it already be competitive 2-on-2 beach volleyball season? Yes it can, apparently, at least in Emerald Isle where the “2v2 Beach Volleyball Tournament – Summer Series” will be in full swing Saturday morning. Competition begins at 9, runs until noon, at the Western Ocean Regional Access. Fee is $55 per team, players must be 16 or older and pre-registration is required, by calling 252.354.6350. (You can get more details on the tournament at that number as well.) read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.