The key to loosening up arthritic joints? Move ‘em

Charlie Spencer Lackey was facing stomach surgery last fall that she was hoping to avoid. She suffers from gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly referred to as GERD; her doctor mentioned one option that could preempt surgery: start exercising, lose some weight. Eager as she was to avoid the surgery, another malady made exercise a challenge. read more

Playing games can be good for you

Today, an argument in three parts for why playing games is good for you.

Games are good, Exhibit A: ‘Exergames’ beat a treadmill
A study published in the Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine found that some interactive video games are a good way for kids to burn calories. The study took 39 kids, average age 11, and put them in front of interactive video games to see how much energy they burned. But first, to establish an exercise baseline, they had the kids walk on a treadmill at 3 miles per hour to establish their metabolic equivalent (MET), an approximation of how much oxygen the body uses during an activity. The kids measured an average MET of 4.9 on that activity.
Here’s how the games compared (the higher the number, the better; for the sake of you adults, “light” gardening has an MET of 2, running an 8 mile-per-minute pace — that would be a roughly 24-minute 5K — pulls a 13.5): read more

Umstead 100 ultra volunteers go the distance (Part II)

Yesterday, our look at the volunteers who make possible every run, triathlon, road bike ride, mountain bike race, adventure race — whatever kind of amateur competition you can think of — left off with a bevy of helpers trying to help an ailing 42-year-old Richard McKnight of Arizona finish the last five miles of the Umstead 100 endurance race. Today, a look at more of the 300-plus volunteers who made the Umstead 100, held April 2 and 3, happen — and whether they could help get McKnight to the finish. read more

This weekend: Run, run/walk/ride, hike

There’s no lack of options this weekend for working off some excess energy.


Two races Saturday in two beach towns where you’ll want to linger afterward.

5K Race for the Planet at Fort Fisher. “This flat, mostly asphalt course is scenic with views of the ocean, maritime forest, and historic Fort Fisher Civil War site,” according to race organizers. Run the race at 8 a.m. (registration begins at 7) then hang out and tour the aquarium and hike out to the Fort Fisher Hermit’s old digs. $25 to race. Music and refreshments follow. 910.458.7468 for more information, or go here. read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.