10 Hikes for Avoiding Fall Crowds

Editor’s note: We run a tweaked version of this hike every fall to help you avoid crowded trails in this, the most popular hiking season. 

Though most of us associate the start of fall with the passage of Labor Day, fall doesn’t officially start until Sept. 22, officially at 8:44 a.m. EST. This week has definitely gotten us in the mood, with high temperatures in the 70s, lows in the 50s. read more

The slower the better: a weekend on the AT

This past weekend GetBackpacking! set an SKT — Slowest Known Time. In this case, the Slowest Known Time for a lunch break on a backpacking trip.

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Before we set out Saturday morning from our campsite at Yellow Mountain Gap on the Appalachian Trail, I outlined the morning plan. “We’ve got a long climb — 900 vertical feet in 1.7 miles — up to Little Hump Mountain. We’ll take a break there. Then head on to Hump Mountain for lunch.” read more

Fall is near; Have you a plan?

Fall, the best time of year to be on the trail, is around the corner. Are you ready?

I don’t mean do you have your gear ready: Rather, do you have your plan of attack in place?

Not to put too much pressure on the fall hiking season, but there is a fair amount of pressure to make the most of the next three months. Sure, spring has its obvious pluses — wildflowers, warming temperatures, rebirth — and winter has its subtle charms. But face it, the combination of a retreat from sweltering temperatures, low humidity, crisp blue skies, and fall color make this the best season to hike in the Southeast. read more

5 Hikes to Welcome Fall

I woke up Wednesday at 5:30, took Dog #1 out, checked the weather.

60 degrees!

I knew it was supposed to cool off this week, but 60? I couldn’t remember the last time it had been so cool in this summer of record heat. A good two months, at least. 

A spirit-lifting temperature, but still shy of my fall benchmark. Then, an hour later I took out Dog #2 (she likes to sleep in) and it was 58. Within a half hour it would drop another degree, to 57. read more

Media: What we like (and a thing or two we don’t)

So many outdoor videos on YouTube, so little time to sort the entertaining from the “Hey-look-at-me!” Fortunately, that’s one of the services we provide — so suffer through the latter and direct you to the former.

We watch a video: if we like it and think you will, too, we write a short review. If we watch it and don’t like it, well, if it’s really egregious we might write about it to let you know what you’re not missing. Otherwise, we move on to the next. The good news: there’s enough decent stuff out there to keep us in business. read more

Explore the outdoors, discover yourself.