Category Archives: Backpacking

The Campfire (and 5 great places to have one)

The waterfalls, the mountaintop views, the wildflowers blooming in spring, the trees changing color in fall — all things I love about hiking and backpacking. But what I think I love most — and have missed the most in the past year — is gathering around a campfire at day’s end and simply talking. Talking about who’s having what for dinner, about past trips together, about the simple things … about then Seinfeldian nature of life. The Vicious Circle had their Algonquin Roundtable, campers have their campfire. read more

Wednesday Wisdom: Play hooky! (And other tips)

Wisdom? That may be a stretch (though it is alliterative). Every Wednesday we share our thoughts in rotating subject areas: gear, social media, hiking/backpacking/camping resources, and tips from the field. These items are culled from our weekly GetHiking! enewsletter, which also includes news and information on hikes and backpack trips in our GetHiking! and GetBackpacking! universes. Subscribe to our weekly enewsletter here. read more

We’re here to save your relationship!

The Pandemic has brought us closer to those who live with us.

Maybe even too close. 

We know you all love each other. We know you would move heaven and earth to ensure each other’s health and happiness.

We also know that being in in close quarters 24/7 for more than a year adds up to a lot of togetherness. And you never noticed until now how your loved one could Breathe. So. Loudly. read more

Our top YouTube channels covering the Southeast

Back in the day — in this case, the day being nearly a half century ago — when I was seeking a new adventure, first thing I’d do was head downtown to the Eastern Mountain Sports store in my hometown of Denver and start rifling through the chest of drawers holding Colorado’s topo maps.  read more