Category Archives: Hiking

Five hikes ideal for you, now

The view from atop Raven Rock.

Last week, I wrote of the need to get out — at least once — on a sanity-saving hike over the holiday season. Because we realize you have a lot going on this time of year, and because we realize the one chance you might have to venture out should be extra special, we offered to come up with the perfect hike, just for you. To make that happen, we asked a few questions, such as: How long is your ideal hike? How far are you willing to drive? And what do you hope to find along the trail? You made my job easier by being pretty much in synch regarding your needs. read more

A run, a paddle, a hike — this weekend, whatever it takes to survive the holidays

Philadelphia's The Running of the Santas

Since it’s never too early to start making weekend plans, we give you our weekend planner a day early.


Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell Rock

Scratch that — been spending too much time on all-Christmas-all-the-time radio. Make that Jingle Bell Run, as in the third annual 5K sponsored by the Wrightsville Beach Museum of History this Saturday in Wrightsville Beach. Speed is good, holiday costumes are better in this race that takes in historic WB cottages, “beautiful winter marshes,” and popular Wrightsville Beach hot spots. Registration is from 7:30-8:45 a.m., the race commences at 9 a.m. $30 for adults, $20 for runners 12 and younger. read more

90 Second Escape: The Winter Woods

90 Second Escape: The Winter Woods

Monday — never an easy time for the outdoors enthusiast. After a weekend of adventure, returning to the humdrum work-a-day world can make one melancholy. To help ease the transition, every Monday we feature a 90 Second Escape — essentially, a 90-second video of a place you’d probably rather be: a trail, a park, a greenway, a lake … anywhere as long as it’s not under a fluorescent bulb. read more

This weekend: Penetrate a preserve, paddle & picnic on a lake, hike the AT

This weekend’s offerings are proof that adventure in North Carolina knows no seasons.


Every once in a while, the Mackay Island National Wildlife Refuge opens its roads allowing the public in to better explore this 8,219-acre refuge in Currituck County. To explore its low-lying freshwater and brackish marshes, it’s upland and lowland eastern pine hardwood forests. And this time of year, to be treated to a variety of migrating waterfowl (including snow geese and Canada geese) in addition to year-round residents such as the bald eagle and osprey. read more

Find your new favorite hike

Last week, we revealed a miracle holiday health salve guaranteed to get you through the holidays unscathed — walking. A daily walk, we noted, could alleviate a mountain of seasonal stress and keep you from gaining weight to boot. Of course, we acknowledged, it is the holidays; the demands of the season might make it tough to get out every day. Realistically, we asked, how many days a week could you commit to walk: six? Four or five? One … hopefully? Yesterday, we shared the results of that survey. We also shared what you told us were your favorite walks. read more