Category Archives: Hiking

This week, it’s all about welcoming Spring

We’re all about Spring this week, with the first sightings of trout lilies and spring beauties, and 70-degree weather in the wings. This should be the week that spring bursts out in all its eagerly awaited glory.

That said, today we crib from our GetHiking! Spring Wildflowers tip sheet and share some insights into where to look for spring and what it is you’re looking for. read more

GetOut! This weekend: a cool Saturday, a wet Sunday

Seems like every weekend of late we’re batting .500: either Saturday or Sunday looks good for an outing. 

This weekend it’s Saturday, with highs maybe reaching 50 under partly sunny skies. There’s rain in the forecast for Sunday, but possibly only in the first half of the day, depending upon where you live. So, for Saturday we suggest: read more