Category Archives: Hiking

GetOut! Your Friday Nudge for Weekend Adventure

Stormy weather sticks around, for much of the region, though Saturday: Sunday, it’s low 70s and sunny. Perfect weather for getting outside.

But will everyone be thinking along the same lines?

Today, we direct you back to some of our strategies for avoiding the crowds that have caused some state parks in North Carolina to close their gates. read more

Hike where the horses do

Hiking trails continue to be over-run. Thank the run of great weather (OK, there’s been a little rain here and there) and a lack of other recreational options during the age of Coronavirus for that.

But this overcrowding is more of a situation for trails intended for two feet. What about all the trails built for four? read more

GetOut! Your Friday Nudge for Weekend Adventure

I can’t recall going into a Memorial Day weekend that felt less like a Memorial Day weekend.

Typically, this much-anticipated three-day hiatus marks not just the beginning of summer, but the end of the year’s most sustained run in the salt mines. For five straight months, we typically toil away, indulging in a federal holiday or two, but saving our sacrosanct vacation days for summer. From New Year’s Day to Memorial Day, it’s pretty much work, work, work. read more

N.C.’s best-known trail may be your best bet for solitude

Last week was a bit of a disaster on the trails of North Carolina. An ironic perfect storm of great weather and minimal entertainment options in these stay-at-home (soon-to-be safer-at-home) times meant hordes of hikers inhabiting our trails, especially those in our state parks. As we reported Wednesday, Pilot Mountain, Hanging Rock, Eno River, Stone Mountain and Raven Rock all had to close their gates Saturday morning because they had reached capacity. Hanging Rock reported 1,000 more visitors than it had ever recorded. read more