Category Archives: Nutrition

The Paleo Diet: It worked for the cavemen

Barney on the cutting edge.

I wrote the following for The News & Observer and Charlotte Observer; it originally appeared in both newspapers on Tuesday, July 2.

Another diet, another debate about its effectiveness.

The Paleo Diet, dubbed the caveman diet, promotes simple eating – lean meats, fish, poultry, fruits, vegetables and nuts. Processed foods are out, as are refined sugars, excessive salt, grains and dairy. Eat like our ancestors did 10,000 years ago, goes the Paleo mantra. read more

Happy, Healthy New Year: Weight loss basics


We’ll spend the first few weeks of 2013 looking at issues of particular relevance to many of you as the new year unfolds. Today, the first working day of the year, we start our Happy, Healthy New Year — heretofore shorthanded to HHNY — segments with what’s likely at the top of most of your lists: losing weight. I originally wrote the following for the Charlotte Observer, where it appeared last month. Click on each section entry for more information. read more

Move! (And eat right, too)

Tasty — and entertaining, too

I wrote the following story for the Charlotte Observer and The News & Observer in Raleigh. It appeared in both papers on Nov. 20,2012, it reappears here with helpful (and occasionally entertaining) links.

If it feels like there’s a conspiracy afoot to make you gain weight over the holidays, well, you may just be right. Sadly, there’s science to prove it. read more