Tag Archives: backpacking

When it comes to gear, buyer beware

This pack is killing me! The wimpy hip belt is bearing no weight, putting it all on my shoulders. In less than a mile, my shoulders are getting rubbed raw. 

Fortunately, this wasn’t my pack.

“This is what you get for buying a $70 backpack,” I yelled back to Ray, who had surrendered his pack to me so that I could experience its shortcomings first-hand. read more

Turn your adventure dream into reality

Adventure goals
Julie Steiner atop Kilimanjarong, backpacking

What do we love most about what we do with the GetHiking! program?

Help people fulfill their dreams.

Using the skills developed through the GetHiking! GetBackpacking! and GetOriented! programs, folks accomplish any number of goals.

For instance, ascending one of the revered Seven Summits. read more

Make 2018 your year to Get Backpacking!

It was cold and dark, and we were occasionally plunked with raindrops. But not a one of us moved from our spot by the fire.

“What is it about a campfire?” someone asks.

We’re drawn to fire for its light and heat, of course. But for us, on a three-day backpack trip on the Neusiok Trail in the Croatan National Forest, it was less about survival and more about pondering, as Guy Noir might say, life’s persistent questions. Like whether one would survive a freeze-dried meal with an expiration date of 1997. (Answer: yes, surprisingly.) read more

When you’re hiking, every day’s a holiday

People sometimes shy away from hiking thinking it’s all work and no play. To those we have two words:

Holiday Hiker.

Holiday Hiker is both a series of hikes we’re doing in December and an overriding philosophy here at GetHiking!

Last week we told you about our Holiday Hiker series, so we won’t dwell. (But if you missed it, we’ve launched a series of short — 4 miles, give or take — hikes geared to keep you moving through the oft-stressful holiday season. Learn more about that series here.) read more