Fall is just around the corner and you can’t wait to resume a vigorous hiking schedule.
But where to go first? A tough decision: You want to hit all your favorites first.
Alas, because you can’t be in two or more places at once, you need to plan your hikes accordingly by taking into account the best time to take each hike. You still may not be able to hit all your favorites this fall, but with smart scheduling you can hit a goodly number of them.read more
The following originally appeared Aug. 9, 2018, under the title, “Making Sense of a Weather Forecast.” It appears again, tweaked a bit, because knowing the forecast going into fall is especially important, as we’ll start encountering cooler temperatures that will affect how we prepare for a hike, and thus, our safety.read more
This morning I awoke to a temperature of 63 degrees. I couldn’t remember that last time it wasn’t in the mid-70s when I got up — weeks, at least — let alone in the low 60s.
It was a sign, a sign I always look forward to come August: that fall is on the way.read more
The following originally appeared August 15, 2018. We run it again because it’s a good reminder — to us especially — to always pay attention, to never get cocky out there, and that, nature is always in charge.
You learn a lot while backpacking, especially about yourself. I’m pretty sure the nine backpackers I spent this past weekend with in Linville Gorge know a lot more about themselves today than they did before our trip.read more
Last week we were hiking along the Eno River on a sunny, hot day: sunny, as in lots of azure amid a few harmless, billowy clouds; hot, as in seasonable, around 90. And yes, quite humid. A typical summer’s day. I loved it.