Category Archives: Hiking

GetOut! Celebrate Imbolc with a search for spring

Do you know what Tuesday (February 2, so you don’t run off searching for a calendar) was? 

Imbolc, the pagan observance that celebrates the midpoint of winter and thus, the beginning of the official watch for spring.

We celebrated by hiking along the Eno in search of early signs of the season. To us, that generally means sighting the first spring wildflower — the spring beauty or trout lily — maybe hearing the first spring peeper. With temperatures content to not rise out of the 40s for much of January, it was a search, we were sure, was in vain.  read more

5 Hikes Delayed from 2020, Destined for 2021

Today’s post is a follow-up to last week’s post on backpack trips we intended to take in 2020, but couldn’t because of the pandemic.

Face it, are there no bad hikes. Each hike has its own special, well, “charm” may be pushing it. But each hike we do does have some unique or compelling aspect that, in the end, always has us saying, “That sure beat a day at the widget works.” Even when it’s finger-nipping cold, even when it’s wet enough to pack a snorkel. read more

GetOut! Here’s how to find the lingering snow

It snowed Wednesday night, you had to work Thursday and today. Alas, the meager yet magnificent snowfall will be gone by the time you can hike it this weekend.

Or will it?

Cold temperatures Thursday and today mean there likely will be some snow left along the trail come Saturday — if you know where to look.  read more

GetOut: Seek the Daffodil

On today’s Morning Walk with Joe (Facebook Live, Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings at 8) I talked about being on the cusp of the spring wildflower season. About how last year at this time we were in the midst of the January thaw, with temperatures in the upper 60s under sunny skies, and how that prompted an early debut of the spring beauty and trout lily, in my mind the true first responders of spring. Others may emerge earlier — certain asters and chickweed — but really, it’s the appearance of the spring beauty and trout lily that let you exhale and realize that spring is just around the bend. read more