Category Archives: Paddling

This weekend: Paddle, run a classic

Goose Creek (photo courtesy N.C. State Parks)

Two paddle trips get you on the water on a hot Southern weekend, and there’s a classic 5K in the high country.


The only thing better than paddling a coastal swamp is paddling it with a knowledgeable  naturalist who knows the terrain and can help make sense of what can be an overwhelming experience. Sunday morning, join said knowledgeable naturalist for a two-hour kayak trip up Goose Creek at Goose Creek State Park just east of Washington. Equipment — kayaks, paddles and pfds — provided. read more

This weekend: Beat the heat (again)

The marshes near Hammocks Beach.

When the weather gets hot — as it will again this weekend — our thoughts turn in two directions: up and toward water.


One of our favorite paddles is in the marshes between Hammocks Beach and Bear Island. It’s a fairly contained area, there’s a pretty well marked canoe trail and if you do manage to get lost, you likely won’t be for long. Of course, that’s not a concern this Sunday on a ranger-led kayak trip at Hammocks Beach State Park. Learn the basics of kayaking, learn about the flora and fauna of the sound, don’t worry about getting lost. Sounds like a great way to spend two or three hours on a weekend morning. read more

This weekend: This Fourth of July, liberate yourself from the tyranny of a two-day weekend

Mason inlet.

Because of the mid-week holiday we’re relaxing the definition of “weekend.” It starts … today!


You go to the beach regularly, maybe even live there for a week every summer. Yet how much do you know about your fellow residents, especially the year-round residents? The sea turtles, for instance, or the sea gulls? Tag along on Audubon North Carolina’s  Free Friday Field Trip at Mason Inlet, a “fascinating sanctuary where you can get close-up looks at nesting birds and chicks,” according to ANC. “Coastal birds are scrappy survivors that combat extreme temperatures, unpredictable weather, and predators to successfully raise their young.” Who wouldn’t want to spend time with scrappy survivors? read more

90 Second Escape: Paddling the Green River Narrows

Monday — never an easy time for the outdoors enthusiast. After a weekend of adventure, returning to the humdrum work-a-day world can make one melancholy. To help ease the transition, every Monday we feature a 90 Second Escape — essentially, a 90-second video of a place you’d probably rather be: a trail, a park, a greenway, a lake … anywhere as long as it’s not under a fluorescent bulb. read more

Resources for a steamy weekend of cool, wet fun

We’re staring down the first steamy weekend of the summer. Frankly, I’m hard pressed to think of something to do outdoors that doesn’t involve water.

There’s swimming, of course. At your local pool (search for local parks and rec departments with pools at the North Carolina Recreation & Parks Association Web site), at a trusted swimming hole (find 76 in North Carolina at, at the coast (find Outer Banks beaches here, Wilmington area beaches here and assorted other beaches here. read more