Tag Archives: summer

Don’t let summer’s heat keep you off the trail

This weekend, seasonal temperatures finally arrive, and it appears they will will stick around at least through midweek.  As the days heat up, you might be tempted to cool it on your hiking habit. But, actually, you can hike all summer long — the secret lies in the when and where. Here are a few tips from a piece we run the beginning of most summers to keep you on the trail . read more

Guide to Summer Hiking (and why you should!)

Usually it’s mid-June before we’re forced to address the issue of summer heat. Before, that is, we’re forced to issue our annual plea to stay on the trail during the summer months ahead. 

In some parts of the U.S. — the Northeast, the Pacific Coast, the mountain states — hikers live for the summer and its warm days. Not here, where Summer is equated with still air, sticky clothes and sweat-stung eyes.  read more

This summer, hike the mountains of the MST

Back in January I got to thinking about where I haven’t been in too long and thus, where I would love to explore this summer. 

I didn’t have to think long: the mountain portion of the statewide Mountains-to-Sea Trail.

Now, I hike the MST nearly every day, since I can pick it up a couple blocks from my front door in Hillsborough. And while I never tire of this stretch, nor of the other 120 miles I hike with some frequency through the Triangle, there’s something about the MST’s nearly 350-mile run through the mountains that’s especially enchanting — and diverse, capturing both the rugged beauty of the Southern Appalachians and its moments of intimate calm. Here’s a look at three favorite sections, all along the Blue Ridge Parkway. read more

GetHiking! 50+ Summer 2022

You’ve been working most of your life, and maybe you’ve devoted what free time you did have to raising a family. Now, the kids are grown, and you can see an end to the 9-to-5. The point: you now have the time to do the things your’ve been wanting to do for years. The things you haven’t had time for that’ll make you feel like a kid again — and which will help you in all sorts of ways. read more